Many of us on spiritual path stumble upon different obstacles.
The unhealed healer. The overweight or cancer stricken spiritual seeker. The recurring money problem for a light-worker advocating abundance. The aspirant overwhelmed by demanding relationships and societal choices. Some conditions seem more acute or chronic than others.
We then subject ourselves to judgment, from spiritual circle, or our inner critic.
I used to think that the mind determines the form, and if there is something not aright with the form, the mind must have made an error.
But is it truly, I have been wondering.
I'm now inclined to think that it is more of a multi-factorial choice made on multiple levels than a simplistic linear deduction.
There are so many ways a body get into a state. Karmic balancing. Mass mind. Dysfunctional pattern taken as own. Misidentification with some limiting beliefs. Either way, it may be Soul choice or emotional choice made by our self.
Some of us may have chosen on soul level to just experience how it is to be in poverty or certain illness. Perhaps to teach others how to still be at peace and joyful and loving despite physical - emotional - mental challenges.
And in claiming freedom we still journey to release, either one by one or in bulk, what limitations we have been taking on in the earth, and open up fully the potential of remembering our truest self, and teaching by living while here.
Some of us may be a master soul like Peter or Al, Susan or JM, or Zachary, incarnated on the earth plane this time round to help make the way passable, be of service to a grouping, and in that process claim utter freedom while still in finiteness and experiencing its limitations.
And yet, sometimes the cause or dynamics of a situation or condition cannot be revealed to us, just because in the bigger scheme of thing it needs to take place to facilitate something else to happen. (I heard that for a soul to reincarnate it takes many many meetings with the council of Elders and within the council to ensure all factors are in place for the soul to meet the right people and have the right sojourns for the intent and purposes.)
Or because the timing is not ripen yet for something to be undone.
Not to justify a condition. But we cannot quite know.
Can we choose otherwise? It seems to me we can, from utter freedom. But will we choose? Maybe not.
If we dig deep into the mind and see some parts not joyful or at peace, not fully aligned with higher self/ Spirit, not totally balanced, then we can choose to release them.
At the same time, I thought, for some people at some point it does not matter if the body is totally at ease, because their mind is fully joyous no matter.
Either way, instead of focusing on the resultant/ effect, which is the bodily dysfunction, we can choose to focus on the intent - righteousness, truth, love, compassion, forgiveness, faith, hope… And maintain a curiosity and wonderment as to how all this has been made up.
Like plonking a pebble into a pond and have a joyful expectancy of the ripple.
Yet know that ripple, or pond, or pebble, within the earth plane, are all different expressions, colors and sounds. No more, no less.
Know that the No-place is still a no-place, despite having God's pattern all over it. And that beyond the pond is a vast space and sky waiting to be seen.
Just a mind wandering on a very cooling autumn like morning…