When it comes to souls planning an incarnation, it is often much more complex and intricate than meets the eyes.
I've compiled a series of excerpts around soul planning work (which is the basis of soul contract) prior to entry into the Earth realm, from the collection of Library of Consciousness, a space hosting multitudes of readings and materials channeled by Al Miner from 1970s to 2018, the level of Truth of which I fully 101% respect and trust.
The readings are from Nature of Children project & elsewhere. All copyrights belong to Library of Consciousness, Al Miner & Lama Sing. It is about some specific souls' journeys, to exemplify the process, hence my removal of names. For the term God, you can replace it with Nature, Divine, Great Spirit, Heavenly Father - Mother, Creator, Allah, or any term that resonates.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. All souls were among such as were, and yet are, with God. In the expression of their uniqueness came the involvement […]. And as such, then, each soul might be likened as unto a traveler, a voyager, whom is seeking through the continued experiencing the understanding and wisdom of their true nature.
"Under the auspices of the Law Universal, each soul thereafter chooses their own way and follows their own path or paths, in accordance with that which inspires or nurtures them.
"when we consider a realm of finiteness such as the Earth realm, there are quite a number who are seeking to be a part of the experiences therein.
"Souls are given opportunities to enter the Earth in accordance with their need, their accomplishment, and certain other criterion which have to do with entry priority.
"you’d have to begin some preparation, some review of past activities, looking for opportunities that you might want to expand upon, evaluating your own assessment of who and what you are at present, and lots of meetings, and many, many things, […], that are taken into consideration and that are preparatory to an incarnation.
"Children in the Earth, what is their nature? Their nature is to come unto the Earth, in essence, with the cloak of darkness separating their consciousness of the present from the consciousness collectively of the past. The purpose for this is to provide an integrity of opportunity, that all of the activities of the past might now be tested, strengthened, and purified.
"[…] the benevolent soul or the soul intending karmically to bring about a balance due to past experiences. And so, we may find a soul entering to parents whose lives, by the measure of the Earth, are less than desirous. And that soul obviously, throughout childhood, is demonstrative of kindness, of patience, of understanding, even under abuse.
And as such, evidences through these qualities the actions of a benevolent soul or a soul of karmic interaction with those of its present parentage.
"Earth influences are the preponderant force of guidance. And one’s reaction to those influences are, in essence, what helps to develop the soul into a state of awareness of its true nature. And so, the Earth influences help to direct the growth and accomplishments of the soul. But also the influences of the other souls, […]. And that’s why the interaction here and at the soul level is so beautiful and of such a wonder, such an honor and a joy to behold. It is truly beautiful.
"In order that each experience might in and of itself be as productive as is possible for that potential to be, there was and is created demarcation points, as such, wherein each might exist in a sense of individuality, both in the individual and collective sense, and that thereof there might be no direct impact or adulteration of other existences, other realms of experience.
"The further purposes of soul growth in the pre-birth stages are indeed very dynamic, and are, in the sense of the term, driving forces very much so that. But not driving in the sense of a lack of joyous purpose or fellowship as brethren. Not all-consuming or burning desires, but rather a joyous work. And you aren’t fouled up in the Earth just all that bad, do you see?
"This [continuity of growth for the individual soul] is not necessarily evident in the lesser levels of consciousness wherein many other factors do play heavy influence upon decisions. And in such cases, souls repetitively enter and depart, enter and depart, essentially repeating, incarnation after incarnation, the same experiences, until some event occurs where they realize this and wish to change.
At that point an entity of light can assist. Until then, they must remain as silent guides.
"within self, there is that part which longs to make a contribution which endures, and there is that part which wishes to be of service to mankind, even as the lowest servant as or of all.
"how else might she truly understand what [her] brethren were facing if [she] did not, herself, face these same challenges?
"the Council […] point out a number of (you would call them) bumps in the road of life (with a lightness of heart) … They are like a very large living map, so to say, and when you come to the Council, the Council can show you so that you can (quote) “feel” (end quote) and know the essences that will be required to encounter these experiences, and you will be shown the variety of pathways that could result from such an encounter. And you would be the one, […] to make the decision that you believe that these would be worthwhile for you and for the good work […]
"though one can observe these experiences from here or from other levels, actually being in those experiences, […], is quite different, for the energies are so unique and so potent that they can be shown in a manner that cannot be looked upon … they had to be experienced.
"Many souls are moving into the Earth as a part of the Master’s […] Promise. And, as they move into the Earth, they are associating with those to whom they have connecting Lines of Light that are strong enough that they can nourish these and, thus, nourish the souls involved.
"[…] reviewed what you would call [her] soul’s records, often referred to as the Akasha, and has done so under the tutelage and guidance of other souls whom are perhaps best compared to that of advisors or counsel or friends, in the truest sense of the word.
"Should […] partake of the forthcoming opportunity to be involved in an incarnative sense in the Earth, these Silent Ones, as they will then be considered, will journey with her, in every sense of the word, providing, as such, a support mechanism, a continual flow of guidance, love, support and encouragement, to the extent that […] should be willing or choose to accept or seek same.
"As this soul, this entity […], considers the forthcoming incarnation, it is with the involvement of those souls whom shall be a part of that mechanism, to wit, an incarnation in Earth. And, as such, the contribution from each of these is likened unto a collage of sound, color, light, and such. But, in the interpretive sense, for your understanding, it would once again be those references which are the sum composite of the entities involved, namely their Akasha or Akashic records, and also their intents and purposes.
"A soul always has the opportunity of choosing its destiny when incarnating in the Earth. However, the awareness of that choice and the ramifications are greatly dimmed when the soul consciousness is not advanced. The more advanced the soul is in its awareness of its oneness with God, and the more appropriately as is seen the position of the existence of the Earth in terms of the reality of eternity, the greater is the perspective, the scope and understanding of what lies ahead, and the more complete is the interaction of cooperation, discussion, and such, with others whom will be involved in same.
"This [continuity of growth for the individual soul] is not necessarily evident in the lesser levels of consciousness wherein many other factors do play heavy influence upon decisions. And in such cases, souls repetitively enter and depart, enter and depart, essentially repeating, incarnation after incarnation, the same experiences, until some event occurs where they realize this and wish to change.
At that point an entity of light can assist. Until then, they must remain as silent guides.
"Having been prepared for this in advance by the opportunities before [her] and the choices of [her] own soul, [she] prepared this as a strength or as a gift or blessings to carry with [her] in [her] individual consciousness.
"the consciousness as it is stirred within that baby begins to evolve immediately into the purposeful composite of the personality chosen aforehand by that soul.
"There are in effect two astrological charts. The first one is the soul choice chart, affecting primarily the soul purposes for that incarnation. The second is the astrological chart which you have knowledge of, and which relates to approximately the birth time, place, location and such. The latter is known and can be calculated with comparative ease. The former is much more elusive in the sense of the casual observer, and that is by design, for the soul purposes are primarily that: that soul’s purposes.
"much of the Consciousness that is Spiritual and Eternal must be, see, set aside according to the Law.
"if the Light was shining too brightly from the Spirit within, the experiences being sought would not be able to come [to her].
"only sees a potential; [she] doesn’t know that that will be a real potential. […] in a position where [she] will make these choices and ultimately arrive at one decision, without the benefit of certainty but only the potential.
"[…] in and of herself, possesses a soul light. And as [she] moves through the potentials of what you call the future, that light illuminates those choices or potentials which are before [her]. The strength, the brilliance and the luminosity of [her] spiritual light are the factors which determine how far [she] can see, how much [she] can understand, and what is revealed to [her].
"That is a part of the soul growth. That is the essence of what one strives for in the universal sense, to reclaim their own individual essence or light, that ultimately all things can be known unto them, and thus they shall become complete and at one with God.
"The choice for pathway once you are in the Earth is dependent upon what is called freewill. Even though it may appear that some degree of destiny, pre-planning and role playing or script enactment is a part of living in the Earth, based upon what we have given, that is simply not so.
You have as many choices in the Earth as you wish.
"You limit or accelerate your growth and your opportunities. It is not a condition wherein, Aha. I have chosen North Ireland. Therefore, I will enter that body, and these are the events that I will incur, and this is how the outcome will be, and here I am fourteen, sixteen, or whatever Earth year increments are decided, and I conclude the life.
"The soul sees the opportunities, just as you might understand your potentials if you were about to embark upon a journey. You consider the routes you might take, the places you might go, the things you might do, the people you might meet, the food you might eat, how much sleep, how much of a party or lark you might have, and all that. But as you begin your journey, you find the road closed. And you have a choice. You may turn back or take one of several detours. Upon the first detour you will experience a new adventure and meet different entities and etc.
"Certainly, you have chosen the opportunities of significant nature. But even those opportunities may change. It is an inter-dependency based upon the freewill of all of those whom are participants, as well as your own soul’s position.
"you are testing the strength and breadth of what you have learned, what you have experienced to date. It is not a case of you simply acting out the potentials and then collecting your just rewards and returning home here, only to sit about and plan another. Not at all in this way. Just so far from the reality.
"the opportunities are still there; the potentials are there; and souls whom are in a state of awareness know this. And if the souls involved with them also know this, they will follow generally the course of events which lead to those opportunities. There may, however, be dozens of detours and alterations of plans along the way. For each experience is an opportunity, isn’t it?
"in essence, to a degree all souls know aforehand the opportunities of a forthcoming incarnation and choose purposefully in accordance with same.
"The position that you are at in your life, the heritage and the experiences which comprise your current life, have all been known to you, at least to the extent that they were and are potentials. And so, you are whom and what you are because of this, your choice.
____________________ Now that you've seen how it works, let's see how it can work for you, especially with the amazing tool of soul contract reading!